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Cyber Risk Management

4. September 2023

App Insights

Risk through apps - at a glance.
Christine Öller

Risk-Info on Apps

The new feature “App Insights" gives companies an even more comprehensive risk picture. Important security information about the installed apps is visible at a glance – company-wide and system-independent.


An accurate metric provides a quick overview of your risk exposure to apps on mobile devices or servers/clients.


As devices, systems and apps age, the risk increases. SEQiFY shows where critical lifecycle points are exceeded.


Granted permissions give apps access to critical functions. In the dashboard, you get an overview of which permissions are set and can remedy possible risks.


The legal frameworks for security standards and data protection vary from country to country, and trust in countries can change quickly depending on the geopolitical situation. The SEQiFY Dashboard provides a transparent view of the origin of your apps and allows you to react quickly to changing situations.

The function is already available for existing customers with the FLEX subscription. We will also be happy to activate the App Insights for customers with the SMART or PLUS subscription in trial mode!


The fastest way to a free preview: Book your personal demo appointment and get access to the app insights in the trial!

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